MARELAC A.F. (Water-based)
It is a water-based, odourless, varnish based on polyurethane resin (one component) for wooden surfaces exposed to adverse weather conditions. It is ideal for boats, yachts, ships, window frames and wooden furniture. It has excellent working properties and forms an elastic and tough film. It contains UV filters that protect wood from the damaging effects of sunlight, and special additives providing excellent water repellence.
Surfaces should be smooth, clean, dry, free from grease or resins and abrased. Pretreat new wooden surfaces with Vitex's water-based preservative DIAXYL DECOR and then apply two coats of water-based MARELAC. For maintenance of previously varnished surfaces apply one or two coats of water-based MARELAC provided that the surface has been thoroughly cleaned.
It is available colourless in gloss finish.